
Ineor is a part of Horizon’s 2020, The Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing (PHArA-ON) project!

Montag, 17 Oktober 2022
Ineor is a part of Horizon’s 2020, The Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing (PHArA-ON) project!

We are glad to announce that we are part of the Pharaon project! The Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing is a Horizon 2020 project to improve the dignity, independence, and wellbeing of older adults by providing enhanced smart and active living solutions. 👵🏻📲 

With our risk-management solution “CareRisk”, we were selected to participate in the Slovenian pilot with a clear objective: healthy ageing! 

More info about the project: https://www.pharaon.eu/

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